Joe Ascheman, Regional Account Manager – South Central
As regional account manager at Precision Group, Joe Ascheman builds relationships with channel partners and customers in the south central US while providing product guidance and education on Precision Group solutions.
As a valued technologist, customers have relied on Joe’s expertise in multiple roles from Rep Agency to Distributor to Supplier.
Joe’s contribution to the growth of towns across the Midwest include fiber connectivity buildouts in Data Centers, Campus, FTTx Municipalities, Co-ops and T3 Telcos.
His sincere passion to build future fiber networks that directly empower communities to grow and flourish is felt with each customer engagement.
Joe holds a Bachelor of Business Administration degree with emphasis in Accounting and Finance from Truman State University.

Learn more about Joe in this employee Q@A Spotlight:
What do you love about the Broadband industry?
The customers truly make it an enjoyable industry to be in as a sales person. That and the sense of being apart of something bigger, and truly contributing in the growth of towns across the Midwest.
How has the industry evolved over your career, looking back what is most surprising?
The migration to micro duct and micro cables has been more of the evolution I’ve witnessed. It allows for such higher density, but also the chance to lease the empty pathways. The rapid growth in Co-ops/Municipal utilities looking to build out FTTx.
What does your favorite Saturday look like?
Summer time – working in the garden in the morning, float the River and grilling with my family in the afternoon.
Winter – cooking breakfast with my dad in a duck blind, just enjoying our coffee and watching the birds work.
What hobbies and interests do you have outside of work?
Waterfowl hunting, gardening, house projects. A big pull to just being outside and enjoying nature, especially getting the chance to be on the water (lake or river).
Tell us something about yourself people may not know?
I’ve ran/completed the Disney World half marathon.
What was your 10 year-old-self’s dream job?
To be a regional sales manager for a manufacturer. My father owns a rep firm, so I was always meeting folks that worked at different manufacturing companies. Was always fascinated by the travel they did, and different projects they worked on.
Why are you excited for your new role as Regional Account Manager at Precision Group?
So many reasons. I’m excited to be back in the broadband industry, and to work with old customers and friends again. The new fiber product offerings coming from Precision Group have me excited, as well as the flexibility to create exactly what the customers need. Lastly, Drew’s and Bryan’s excitement/energy is too contagious not to join in.
Do you have a motto or personal mantra?
“Can’t kill ‘em from the couch” The reference comes from duck hunting, and means two things. First, hurry up there’s hunting to do. Second, even if the hunting sucks your chances of getting anything is 0% if you just sit inside all day.
What would be the title of your autobiography?
Everything Happens for a Reason, and I’ll tell you why.
Sometimes you need someone who is close to you, to demonstrate products and walk through solutions on site. Precision Group has a team of local reps throughout the U.S. to help you solve problems. Contact Bryan Hughes to get connected to your local rep.
About Precision Group
We are a service-focused team of broadband experts motivated to design differently. Precision Group’s innovative product solutions are built to strengthen future networks and simplify end-user experience.